Alternatives to Knee Replacement Surgery
Knee replacement surgery is not usually the first option for treating knee pain. Various alternative treatments may help bring relief. If you’re experiencing knee pain, ask your doctor about less invasive ways to address it. Here are some suggestions.
Answers to Common Questions About Total Knee Replacement
When a surgeon recommends a total knee replacement you will likely have a lot of questions. Here, we address the most common 12 concerns.
Waiting for or Recovering from Joint Replacement Surgery During the Time of COVID-19
During this time of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, many elective surgeries, such as hip and knee replacements, are being postponed. Whether you are waiting to have an elective hip or knee replacement, or you have just had surgery and are recovering at home, there are ways to improve the health of your joints on your own./
Hip Pain: Causes and Treatment
Despite its durability, the hip joint isn't indestructible. With age and use, the cartilage can wear down or become damaged. Muscles and tendons in the hip can get overused. Bones in the hip can break during a fall or other injury. Any of these conditions can lead to hip pain.
Vitamin D boosts chances of walking after hip fracture
Senior citizens who are not vitamin D deficient have a better chance of walking after hip fracture surgery, according to a Rutgers-led study.